I haven’t written in a while (this blog I've done nothing but write elsewhere)
I’m writing this without daring to look at what was the last time I wrote an entry here. Because here’s the thing, I never quit projects,...
Odd Symbols + Writing Progress
So, wanted to write a thing about my like symbols I’m on draft 2 and it almost looks like an actual book. There’s plot and dialogue and...
67,679 Words
Is exactly how many words there are in the first rough draft of my novel. A couple of those words may be worldbuilding, and trying to...
Knowing when a year ends and knowing when a novel is a novel
This was going to be a random update, but I kept postponing it and it’s now a Christmas + New Year blog post. So happy holidays, and...
December :)
So Nano came and went, didn’t complete the 50k, but did 30,206 words!! Not bad for the first year, also those are 30k more for the book....
Magic and Weird Stuff Happening
“Magic and weird stuff happening” is the best way I can think to describe my story, at least for now. It’s a fantasy story, there’s...
First Draft and a weird building metaphor
Technically it’s the second draft, but I’m counting the previous one as the .5 version since everything was reworked and restructured....
New Blog (and a cute drawing of a cat)
Hi, I’m Sereida. I’m the one who runs this website and creates the stuff that gets posted here. I like colorful space themed art, writing...