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Magic and Weird Stuff Happening

“Magic and weird stuff happening” is the best way I can think to describe my story, at least for now. It’s a fantasy story, there’s magic, there’s stuff happening that even by magic standards can’t be explained, family, a cat and as many excuses as I can find to describe pretty magic objects.

Aside from that, for now it’s just small updates.

Writing is going good (aside from a brief instant when I thought I had lost 1k of work), I keep going in this long tangents about lore and world building, but it’s gonna be useful once I get them out of the main text and use them for storytelling. I’m learning more about writing, and realized three act structure is my best friend and fits on my story (which I absolutely planned beforehand).

Also Nano is coming soon! Won’t be writing anything new but will try to complete the 50k words on my story, so wish me luck!

Thanks for reading,


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