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First Draft and a weird building metaphor

Technically it’s the second draft, but I’m counting the previous one as the .5 version since everything was reworked and restructured. It’s an odd experience, I have an outline, but that feels like the blueprint, and this feels like putting all the foundations of sorts.

There’s a term in Spanish called “obra gris” translated into “gray work”. It means in building all of the structure is there, but it doesn’t quite yet look like a house (or whatever you’re building in this weird metaphor I’ve got going on). That’s kinda how I feel I’m doing with my first draft, it’s got some style, some character, but mostly I’m setting what happens, how people interact, some having more personality than others, moving and rearranging sequences, putting words in different people’s mouths and trying to figure out what feels better.

Meanwhile the one thing that I’m fully describing is wands and houses, and I’ve now realized I haven’t even given a vague idea of what this book is about. I’ll keep this post short-ish and I’ll write about that next.

Thanks for reading,

-Sereida :)

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