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December :)

So Nano came and went, didn’t complete the 50k, but did 30,206 words!! Not bad for the first year, also those are 30k more for the book. Passed the previous point in which I had left the previous draft so I’m in sorta uncharted territory now.

And it was good! It was fun and many details are coming together, there where a couple potholes and weird tangents I went on, but most of it was fixed or helped develop the story more so it’s going along well.

There’s still a lot to do, I’ve gotten more and more comfortable seeing how rough this draft is, which makes it more exciting as I come nearer and nearer the end (still a while to go, but closer now), and getting to apply everything to round two.

Also I might have a full (very short) synopsis coming soon!

Thanks for reading,


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